Monday, October 29, 2007


monday, Oct 29

It's 6:47 AM and I'm getting ready to elave on this journey to Germany. Five months ago when the whole idea of Germany found it's way into my heart I had no idea it would be this hard to leave. Saying good-bye to my dear family and precious friends has made me wonder if I'm really cut out for this mission stuff after all! :) ...but I know I must go and I'm trusting in God's perfect plan. I'm excited to go. The past few months have been the biggest faith building experience yet as God showed himself faithful again and again. My faith increases every day. All of my needs are met, from the small somewhat insignificant things to my rent and food being paid for for the entire year. I am amazed at what God has done adn how generoust the community around me is in prayers, love and support and how eager they are to see God's work being done in Germany. Thank you! Well guys...I guess I'm off to Deutschland!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless you sweet ones! holly