Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Latest

Life has been in full swing and Christmas is approaching quickly...as usual. Thanks to all who prayed for healing after my fall. I ended up in the ER due to severe headaches and numbness in my limbs...definately not fun! Things continued to go down hill and I was about to return to the ER for a second look and some sweet friends came over to pray and worship and they prayed for me and vwa la! All of the pain and numbing went away and I haven't seen it since :) Thank you Jesus!

Dresden is definately a special place to be for the holidays. The historic buildings are all covered in white lights, decorated Christmas trees and of course there is the annual Christmas Market. This year Dresden celebrated it's 552nd anniversary for the Christmas Market, the second oldest in all of Germany. You can eat all traditional German goodies such as curry wurst (I personally would NOT reccommend that one!), Bratwurst on a bun w/sourcrout, sweet cruncy nuts, chocolate covered everything and the traditional Christmas drink, Glouvine... a hot spiced alcoholic cider. You can find lots of sweet trinkets and gifts made here in Germany as well.

My German class is in full swing. We're on week three and I'm already noticing huge improvements in my listening and speaking skills. It's wonderful to be able to communicate more and more. Monday and Tuesday nights are dedicated to prayer and worship in the prayer room at my house. We typically worship for an hour and spend the second hour+ praying for the lost in our community. Last Monday was the first time non-English speakers showed up so it really stretched me to sing and pray in German! I feel like these times have already been really fruitful and that God is using it so speak to us and to change the atmostphere. The people that come are really thankful for a place to pray and people to pray with.

Fall quarter at the Bible School came to a close last Thursday and we're on break until February. We'll (the team of missionaries supporting the school) be spending this time seeing where God wants to take the school, brainstorming, organizing and creating more strutcture and putting together a vision for the near future. I am excited to be a part of the team. I'll personally be working on learning more German worship songs as worship is an important element to the Bible School.

The Friday Night Watch continues on Alaunstrasse (where I live). People of all ages gather in an apt for dinner, prayer and worship and then we go out on the street to talk and pray with people. There are amazing things happening every week.

I'll be spending Christmas with my house-mate, Elly and her family who live in the nearby village of Freiberg. Then two other American glas and I are going to head on over to Prag for a couple of days after the new year! Exciting!! :)

Merry Christmas!

Bless you dear ones :) XOXOXOXO


My name is Shauna said...

I just wanted to stop by and say that I am thinking of you!

Melissa said...

Merry Christmas my sweet Holly friend whom I love and miss so dearly!!!!!! I had some German chocolate today and it made me think of you! Praise the Lord for your healing! Isn't he amazing?

Anonymous said...

Holly, I was thinking of you today and wondering how your Christmas in Germany was. My mother's family is from Germany and I know that the Christmas celebration there is BIG! My parents, brother, and daughter from CA, came with my family to the Christmas Eve candlelight celebration at CTK. It was awesome. I trust that the fall is something of the past now. I admire your warrior spirit!! May the Lord of Light encourage your spirit, soul, and body in the new Year! Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Holly, Glad you enjoyed the gift. Christmas was spent with my family in Bellingham...things went better than I expected. I've had a nice break from school and hope that this will energize me for the next couple of months. We are continuing to pray for you! It is really amazing to hear what God is doing through you. I'll be sending you another letter in the next couple of weeks :) Love, Kristan

David Bialik said...

Prosit, Neujahr! Karen und ich wünschen dir alles Gute im neuen Jahr 2008! Wir freuen uns, dass es dir schon wieder besser geht. Das Heilen war ein Wunder und Geschenk Gottes! Sei brav beim Deutsch lernen. Viel Spaß und Erfolg!
David und Karen